
Our engineering team is highly experienced in the art of decomposing complex systems into manageable hardware and software components. This often leads to simple and elegant solutions to problems which may at first seem intractable.

Clients come to us looking for innovative solutions to challenging technical problems. Working in close partnership with our customers, we have contributed to significant advances in the areas of scientific research and healthcare. Members of our design team are named inventors on a number of seminal patents which have provided our clients with a long term competitive advantage.

A thorough understanding of a broad range of engineering disciplines enables us to integrate quickly and effectively into large engineering teams, often contributing to inventions beyond the confines of electronics and software.

In almost all cases, the natural progression from innovation and invention is the development of a “Proof of Principle” concept model, in order to demonstrate and evaluate the feasibility and performance of the proposed solution, before embarking on full-blown product development.